How to Prepare Your Body for a Keto Diet
The keto diet is a very low-carb and high-fat eating plan. Adapting this diet will allow your body to burn fat instead of carbs as a source of energy. This is called ketosis. However, switching to a keto diet is no easy task. After all, this kind of diet is probably very different from your current diet. So how do you prepare your body for a keto diet? Here are some tips on how you can prepare for the big change.
Know the possible side effects of a keto diet
The keto diet has a big side effect – the keto flu. Some people feel extremely lethargic in their limbs in the first week to ten days. Keto can cause constipation or diarrhea due to a change in fiber consumption. That’s why you should choose a start date when your schedule is not packed with obligations and deadlines. Make sure you’re getting enough potassium and sodium to alleviate or prevent the unpleasant side effects of this diet. You can get this from non-starchy vegetables such as kale, arugula, asparagus, and bell peppers and by adding salt to your food.
Know what to eat and what to avoid
The keto diet requires you to reduce your carb intake. Start with 20 to 30 grams of carbs per day. That’s why you should know what foods contain high amounts of fat, protein, and carbs. For example, vegetables and fruits mostly contain carbs. Beans also contain protein, but they are high in carbs. Pure fats and meat don’t contain carbs, so include these foods in your diet.
And since the keto diet is a high-fat diet, you will have to increase your fat intake. To prepare for this kind of diet, start making minor changes to your diet. For example, you can replace fries with green veggies. Instead of rice or potatoes, go for non-starchy vegetables. You should also cook with more oil like avocado and olive oil. By making small changes to your diet, you will be able to remove carbs and consume more fat slowly.
You also need to keep your protein consumption moderate when you’re on a keto diet. The body can convert protein into glucose. If you consume too much protein, your body won’t be able to achieve or maintain a state of ketosis.
As for your drinks, the best choice is water because it doesn’t contain carbs. You can also make a keto-friendly drink by adding butter and coconut oil to your coffee. The best thing about this drink is that it will keep your cravings or hunger at bay. If you have a heart problem or are at high risk of one, you should avoid this drink because the coconut oil may send your cholesterol or LDL level soaring.
Seek support
Tell your family and friends about your desire to lose weight with the help of the keto diet. You will want to prepare yourself and your loved ones for your new eating habits. Since the keto diet is usually only for 3 to 6 months, you can tell them that it is only temporary. You will feel motivated when you have someone who always supports you.
Make an after plan
Since keto is not designed for a long-term solution to your weight loss problems, you should create an after plan so that you can maintain the results of your efforts. Your main goal is to change your current diet to a healthier one that involves consuming less sugar, flour, bread, and pasta. Think about what you will look like once your keto diet is over and how you can use this diet to improve your long-term health.
The keto diet is not for everyone. For example, this kind of diet is not suitable for people on non-insulin injectable or oral medication for high blood pressure or high blood sugar. Keto diets can also cause constipation because it limits your fiber intake as well. Moreover, this kind of diet will be extremely limiting for you if you have an existing dietary restriction that requires you to avoid eggs, seafood, nuts, soy, and dairy. That’s why you should talk to your doctor before switching to a keto diet.